All the news about the Horizon Europe program, with dedicated days and info days. For those involved in research, but not only. Let’s find out together

Science and Technology Days

Held on June 23-24 were the European Days of Research and Innovation : a much-anticipated annual event, particularly popular in this year that marks the start of Horizon Europe, the EU’s most ambitious research and innovation program ever.

The event, which gathered thousands of researchers, innovators, policymakers and citizens, addressed the future of European research and innovation the features of the new Horizon Europe program. It was organized over several parallel sessions, some dedicated to research and innovation policies and others, seminars, devoted to thematic insights.

Lots of topics covered: green and digital transition, talent for innovation, innovation ecosystems, smart investment, resilience and recovery post-COVID-19, the New European Bauhaus initiative, the role of regions and local authorities, the European strategy for universities, bioeconomy, sustainability and clean energy, digital infrastructure, cloud and open science, research and winning new markets-just to name a few.

Equally interesting were the contributions of the seminar sessions specifically dedicated to Horizon Europe: tips and tricks for writing a Horizon Europe proposal, the grant agreement in Horizon Europe, the use of the Funding & Tenders portal-and many more.

All sessions and workshops are fully accessible through the event platform . The platform is accessible by following a quick registration process, but it is worth it! It allows you to review all sessions and seminars, visit the “Horizon Village,” dedicated to the different parts and innovations of Horizon Europe, with interactive materials organized into 15 thematic “cases,” connect with other organizations and participants through a networking section, and visit a interactive exhibition dedicated to the best projects in the field, divided into thematic areas.

Horizon Europe Info Days

Horizon Europe info days were held to follow in early July: a huge event spread over 10 days and divided into as many as 10 thematic sub-events:

Information about these Info Days has been archived. Click here for updates.

An opportunity for innovators of all kinds

The breadth of topics covered as part of Horizon Europe’s Science and Technology Days and Info Days in seemingly very cross-cutting areas from the central theme of research confirms the multidisciplinary nature of the new Horizon Europe program, which is dedicated to innovation in the broadest sense and represents an important opportunity not only for researchers – but indeed, for “innovators” of all kinds.

It is very interesting, for example, Cluster 2, Culture, creativity and inclusive society, which covers topics such as democratic governance, cultural heritage, creative economy, and social and economic transformation. These are the main moments dedicated to the cluster as part of the info day: introduction | democracy and governance | cultural heritage, culture and creative industries | social and economic transformations.

Information about these Info Days has been archived. Click here for updates.

Another cross-cutting area of particular interest even for those not working strictly in the research field is the European Ecosystems of Innovation., which approaches the topic in a “holistic” way by considering the contribution of each component of society (academia, industry, public agencies, civil society, and citizens) to the topic of innovation and the contribution of innovation in responding to societal challenges.

S+T+ARTS and the “New European Bauhaus”

Significant in this regard is the example of the S+T+ARTS initiative , aimed at promoting alliances between science, technology and the arts to implement an effective European approach to technological innovation focused on human needs and values. S+T+ARTS, an acronym for “Science+Technology+Arts,” starts from the perspective that combining science and technology with an artistic point of view and a holistic, human-centered approach opens up valuable perspectives for research and business. A vision that is summarized in this video and which was discussed on June 29 and 30 at the OGR in Turin at an event sponsored by Nesta Italia together with the CRT Foundation. .

This is not a theoretical reflection: as part of S+T+ARTS, there are launched calls , organized events and promoted many other initiatives . This is just one very significant example of Horizon Europe’s versatility.

This basic idea is echoed in another major initiative of the European Commission, known as the New European Bauhaus e defined as follows. :

The New European Bauhaus initiative connects the European Green Deal to our living spaces. It invites all Europeans to imagine and build together a sustainable and inclusive future that is beautiful to the eyes, minds and souls. The New European Bauhaus is a creative and interdisciplinary movement in the making that everyone can be a part of.

We will try to elaborate more on the New European Bauhaus in our future posts. This paper proposes a summary of this concept and a first operational declination of it.

An opportunity to be explored with the 2021-2022 work program.

Horion Euorope, the largest of the European programs, is therefore an opportunity for a wide range of actors in our area to consider. The comprehensive work program of Horizon Europe for the period 2021-2022, the components of which reflect (of course) the sessions of the Info Days in early July: