Who we are

Nine Italian foundations, engines of growth for the territory and active in the international arena, together with ACRI, the national association that represents them, for a Europe for all, closer and within reach.

A partnership project

European projects are an important resource: the new European programming 2021-2027 is "worth" for Italy up to 350 billion euros; however, they are often perceived as distant from daily activity, difficult to approach and not very accessible. A gap that translates into billions of euros in missed opportunities for our country's organizations and businesses every year.

Yet growth also and above all passes through Europe: a horizon within which Foundations play a “bridging” role between the local and international dimensions, creating networks and connections between projects and resources.

With this in mind and with the intention of making European funds and programs more accessible, the CRT Foundation, back in 2006 produced the first Guide to Europlanning, in print edition. In 2014, Fondazione CRT traced the evolution of the tool to the digital dimension that allows constant updating and wider dissemination of content, involving Fondazione Cariplo, Fondazione CRC and ACRI in the project.

On the strength of its achievements, the Guide has been completely renewed and enriched for the new 2021-2027 programming, not only in content but also in partnership, with the entry of Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Trento e Rovereto, Fondazione Perugia, Fondazione Cariverona, Fondazione CR Firenze, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Bolzano and Filiera Futura.
Filantropia europea

The project was met with consultation and public response beyond initial expectations, highlighting a growing and widespread need for in-depth study of European programs and acquisition of practical skills for a successful approach.

European funds are an extraordinary lever to renew the country and build a more sustainable future for the next generation-a challenge and, at the same time, a great opportunity that Foundations can support by deploying innovative and ‘democratic’ tools such as the Europlanning Guide.