The portal – CSVnet

Guida Infobandi CSVnet is the online platform created in 2016 by CSVnet, the association that brings together all the Volunteer Service Centers on the peninsula, in collaboration with Acri.

Through a constantly updated database, the portal provides the largest free selection in Italy of funding opportunities offered by European institutions and national and international public and private entities.

The choice of calls to be published responds primarily to the needs of the voluntary and third sectors, but also meets the interest of public administrations and for-profit entities.

The main objective of Infobandi’s editorial staff is to provide verified information compiled in concise Italian fact sheets so that users can quickly seize the most favorable opportunities to realize their projects.

To learn more, visit the CSVnet Infobandi site.

European calls for proposals for summer 2021

These are particularly sizzling months on the European calls for proposals front. The month of June brought us a completely revamped Europrojecting Guide, but also many new calls for proposals-a clear sign that the new programming period has fully entered

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Winter announcements

The end of the year is approaching, the days are getting shorter and colder, but there is certainly no shortage of opportunities in the field of Europrojecting. Let’s analyze some of them together while waiting for more visibility on

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