Rural Funds (PSP and CSR)

The allocation of EAFRD and EAGF funds is defined at the national level in a CAP Strategic Plan (SPP) and is further detailed at the regional level in Rural Development Complements (RDCs ).

The most relevant information can be accessed through the National Rural Network website.

On this page we provide the overview and national level.

Links, documents and allocation details for each Region are given in the following paragraphs:

AbruzzoBasilicataCalabriaCampaniaEmilia-RomagnaFriuli-Venezia GiuliaLazioLiguriaLombardyMarcheMolisePA BolzanoPA TrentoPiedmontPugliaSardiniaSicilyTuscanyUmbriaValle D’AostaVeneto


As mentioned in the first sections of the Guide, agricultural and rural development funds account for about one third of the community budget and include the FEAGA (European Agricultural Guarantee Fund), which supports and regulates farmers’ income and the price of products of agricultural origin, and the EAFRD (European Agricultural Rural Development Fund), which supports interventions for rural development. The new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) programming, the European framework for this sector, has been in full swing since 2023 after a transitional phase (2021-2022). We provide in this section reference information regarding the CAP Strategic Plan (SPP ) developed at the national level for the management of EAGF and EAFRD funds. Instead, the next chapters will present summary information regarding the Rural Development Complements (RDCs) related to EAFRD management in individual regions.

European-level reference documents

The basic documents for the management of EAGF and EAFRD funds at the community level are:

  • Regulation establishing rules on the financing, management and control of the CAP, and in particular: (a) On the financing of CAP-related expenses; (b) On national management and control systems; (c) On clearance and compliance procedures;
  • Regulation on CAP national strategic plans (which also defines common objectives, indicators, types of interventions, conditions and requirements of EAGF and EAFRD and the modalities of coordination, governance, monitoring, reporting and evaluation);
  • Regulation on the common organization of markets in agricultural products and quality schemes for agricultural products and foodstuffs;
  • Regulation concerning the transitional arrangements (2021-2022) in the management of EAGF and EAFRD funds.

National reference documents

The reference documents for Italy can be found on the National Rural Network portal and consist mainly of:

Structure and allocations of the EAGF (European Agricultural Guarantee Fund).

Basic income support for sustainability 8.451,6
Complementary redistributive income support for sustainability 1.760,8
Supplementary income support for young farmers 352,2
Climate, environment and animal welfare schemes (eco-schemes) 4.401,9
ECO 1 (animal welfare) 1.826,5
ECO 2 (grassland and tree crops) 782,2
ECO 3 (olive tree preservation) 755,5
ECO 4 (extensive forage systems) 819,1
ECO 5 (protection of pollinators) 218,3
Income-coupled support 2.641,1
Coupled supports for surfaces 1.542,5
Coupled supports for animal husbandry 1.098,7
Fruit and vegetables 1.457,0
Beekeeping 85,1
Wine sector 1.619,4
Oil and olive growing 173,0
Potato sector 30,0
TOTAL EAGF 20.971,9

Notes: Figures expressed in millions of euros (total financial resources available). EAGF funds are not distributed by region. Source: National Rural Network.

EAGF (European Agricultural Guarantee Fund) intervention items.

  1. Direct payments: payments paid directly to farmers based on various criteria:
    • Basic income support for sustainability: payment that supports all active farmers based on the hectares at their disposal and the payment entitlements they hold. It aims to close the gap between average farm income to that of the rest of the economy;
    • Supplementary redistributive income support for sustainability: supplementary payment that supports active farmers whose farm size is between 0.5 and 50 eligible hectares;
    • Supplementary income support for young farmers: supplementary payment paid per hectare (up to a maximum of 90 hectares) to farmers who have been established by the age of 40 as head of the farm, for no more than 5 years.
    • Climate, environment and animal welfare schemes (eco-schemes): introduced from the 2023-2027 programming, incentivize farmers to make more ambitious environmental, climate and animal welfare commitments. Five ecoschemes are planned:
      • ECO1: for the improvement of animal welfare by reducing the use of antibiotics and introducing grazing or semi-wild farming systems;
      • ECO2: for grassing, permanent tree crop management, soil management, and limiting the use of herbicides and pesticides;
      • ECO3: The preservation of olive trees of special scenic and historical value;
      • ECO4: The rotation in forage crops and the non-use of plant protection products and chemical herbicides;
      • ECO5: for the protection of pollinators, with disposable crops of melliferous interest and the non-use of herbicides and pesticides.
  2. Sectoral interventions: packages of measures specific to certain sectors, aimed at regulating their prices, promoting production, distribution, availability and quality of products:
    • Fruit and vegetables: investments in tangible and intangible fixed assets, advice and technical assistance, training, organic or integrated production, transport and storage of produce, promotion, communication and marketing, implementation of quality schemes, traceability and certification systems, climate change mitigation and adaptation, support to mutual funds, investments in collective storage, replanting of orchards or olive groves, market withdrawal, green harvesting, non-harvesting, harvest and production insurance, guidance services, sanitary and phytosanitary requirements of third countries, consumer awareness and information;
    • Beekeeping: advice, technical assistance, training, information and exchange, investment in tangible and intangible assets, collaboration with research organizations, promotion, communication and marketing;
    • Wine sector: restructuring and conversion of vineyards, investment in tangible and intangible assets, green harvesting, distillation of wine-making by-products, promotion in third countries;
    • Oil and olive growing: investments in tangible and intangible fixed assets, consulting and technical assistance, training, organic or integrated production, promotion, communication and marketing, implementation of quality schemes, traceability and certification systems, investments in collective storage, guidance services, consumer awareness and information;
    • Patato sector: investments in tangible and intangible assets, advice and technical assistance, training, organic or integrated production, transport and storage of products, promotion, communication and marketing, quality schemes, traceability and certification systems, climate change mitigation and adaptation, support to mutual funds, investments in collective storage, market withdrawal, harvest and production insurance, guidance services, communication.

Structure and allocations of the EAFRD (European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development).

SRA01 integrated production 518,14
SRA02 specific commitments sustainable water use 22,11
SRA03 reduced soils processing techniques 211,47
SRA04 organic matter input into soils 46,50
SRA05 grassing of tree crops 36,66
SRA06 cover crops 39,50
SRA07 conversion of arable land to meadows and pastures 17,77
SRA08 management of meadows and permanent pastures 207,16
SRA09 natura 2000 habitat management commitments 13,00
SRA10 active ecological infrastructure management 54,39
SRA12 crops aperdere ecological corridors buffer strips 1,90
SRA13 specific commitments ammonia emission reduction livestock origin 37,30
SRA14 farmers guardians of agrobidiversity 104,77
SRA15 farmers guardians of agrobiodiversity 22,60
SRA16 agrobid conservation-germplasm banks 23,60
SRA17 specific commitments wildlife coexistence 15,11
SRA18 beekeeping commitments 40,17
SRA19 pesticide use reduction 27,30
SRA20 specific commitments sustainable use of nutrients 118,00
SRA21 specific commitments residual management 5,04
SRA22 specific commitments paddy fields 48,50
SRA24 precision agriculture practices 33,95
SRA25 Protection of tree crops with environmental andpaeservation value 31,86
SRA26 set aside arable land from production 27,00
SRA27 payment sylvo-environmental and climate commitments 9,96
SRA28 Support for maintaining forestation-forestation and agroforestry systems 61,78
SRA29 Payment to adopt and maintain organic production practices and methods 2.095,58
SRA30 animal welfare 603,98
SRA31 Support for conservation, use and sustainable development of forest genetic resources 8,73
SRB01 support areas with natural disadvantages mountain 1.116,37
SRB02 support areas other significant natural disadvantages 337,86
SRB03 support areas with specific constraints 5,92
SRC01 compensatory payment agricultural areas natura 2000 16,48
SRC02 nature 2000 forest areas compensatory payment 10,76
SRC03 Compensatory payment agricultural areas in watershed management plans 7,75
SRD01 Agricultural productive investments for farm competitiveness 1.794,67
SRD02 Agricultural productive investment for environment climate and animal welfare 359,46
SRD03 Investment in farms for diversification into non-agricultural activities 272,36
SRD04 Agricultural non-productive investment with environmental purpose 142,52
SRD05 Forestation/afforestation and agroforestry systems on agricultural land 40,75
SRD06 Investment in prevention and restoration of agricultural production potential 115,42
SRD07 investment in infrastructure for aggriculture and socio economic development rural areas 276,06
SRD08 investments in infrastructure with environmental purposes 130,01
SRD09 non-productive investment in rural areas 53,30
SRD10 afforestation facilities afforestation of non-agricultural land 11,05
SRD11 non-productive forestry investment 74,97
SRD12 investments forest damage prevention and restoration 196,18
SRD13 investments in processing and marketing of agricultural products 710,64
SRD14 non-agricultural productive investment in rural areas 6,36
SRD15 forestry productive investment 80,79
SRD16 FVG financial instrument agricultural productive investment 7,00
SRD17 FVG financial instrument investments for processing and marketing 5,00
SRD18 financial instruments agricultural productive invetsimenti rotation funds abruzzo 11,90
SRD19 financial instruments revolving funds transformation and comemrcialization abruzzo 5,00
SRE01 establishment of young farmers 710,36
SRE02 settlement of new farmers 28,56
SRE03 start-up new enterprises forestry 10,06
SRE04 non-agricultural start-ups 4,36
SRF01 subsidized insurance 1.486,39
SRF02 non-life mutual funds 60,10
SRF03 mutual funds income 60,10
SRF04 national catastrophic events mutual fund 1.268,08
SRG01 pei agri operational groups support 131,64
SRG02 establishment of producer organizations 7,50
SRG03 Participation in quality schemes 16,60
SRG05 Leader preparatory support 5,07
SRG06 leader – implementation of local development strategies 903,40
SRG07 cooperation for rural development 69,13
SRG08 support pilot actions and innovation testing 45,30
SRG09 cooperation for innovation support actions 23,38
SRG10 promotion of quality products 106,72
SRH01 provision of consulting services 81,97
SRH02 counselor training 7,73
SRH03 training agricultural entrepreneurs enterprise workers 68,61
SRH04 information actions 28,12
SRH05 agricultural and forestry sector demonstration actions rural territories 16,94
SRH06 back office services for akis 17,82
Lombardy 69,99
Latium 0,50
Friuli Venezia Giulia 1,34
Abruzzo 10,40
Sicily 7,00
TOT TOTAL 16.011,70

Notes: Figures expressed in millions of euros (total financial resources available). Source: National Rural Network.

Allocation of EAFRD at the regional level.

EAFRD funds are further distributed by region (see details in the following chapters). The items shown in the table are explained in the following section.

Abruzzo 124,85 44,00 1,00 96,00
Basilicata 144,76 45,00 165,72
Bolzano (P.A.) 107,00 97,50 30,33
Calabria 330,40 30,00 278,84
Campania 383,00 179,58 365,42
Emilia Romagna 326,15 102,00 3,60 282,42
Friuli Venezia Giulia 76,36 25,00 2,00 85,00
Latium 201,19 52,62 7,00 165,95
Liguria 35,44 10,77 1,08 113,35
Lombardy 136,00 85,00 378,00
Brands 135,84 44,90 0,80 133,20
Molise 57,20 29,39 42,80
Piedmont 262,45 43,20 6,00 268,20
Apulia 425,55 15,00 486,32
Sardinia 326,80 166,00 215,00
Sicily 683,10 231,54 316,40
Tuscany 281,60 56,25 3,00 250,90
Trent (P.A.) 43,65 50,00 71,49
Umbria 163,04 31,50 1,50 210,70
Aosta Valley 32,53 30,90 2,00 16,25
Veneto 206,92 90,00 7,00 321,13
Management. Risk
TOTAL 4.483,82 1.460,15 34,98 4.293,42
Abruzzo 26,00 31,85 8,00
Basilicata 37,00 40,31 5,14
Bolzano (P.A.) 18,00 17,64 0,50
Calabria 40,00 69,17 7,00
Campania 43,26 135,52 11,23
Emilia Romagna 61,80 94,25 19,92
Friuli Venezia Giulia 12,00 16,10 2,80
Latium 64,90 83,67 6,76
Liguria 17,39 17,32 4,83
Lombardy 35,00 81,50 29,00
Brands 13,80 40,83 13,50
Molise 8,00 7,89 6,81
Piedmont 40,00 92,15 20,40
Apulia 50,00 151,00 17,80
Sardinia 40,00 62,65 4,00
Sicily 100,00 104,00 7,57
Tuscany 49,50 82,90 17,25
Trent (P.A.) 12,09 14,63 1,10
Umbria 13,00 75,75 7,51
Aosta Valley 1,00 7,74 0,58
Veneto 70,60 81,88 29,50
Gest. Risk 2.874,67
TOTAL 753,34 2.874,67 1.308,74 221,19
Abruzzo 10,40 12,20 354,30
Basilicata 15,01 452,94
Bolzano (P.A.) 0,90 271,87
Calabria 25,89 781,29
Campania 31,59 1.149,61
Emilia Romagna 23,08 913,22
Friuli Venezia Giulia 1,34 6,99 227,59
Latium 0,50 19,97 602,56
Liguria 6,86 207,04
Lombardy 69,99 20,00 834,49
Brands 8,00 390,88
Molise 5,63 157,71
Piedmont 24,00 756,40
Apulia 39,22 1.184,88
Sardinia 5,05 819,49
Sicily 7,00 25,00 1.474,61
Tuscany 7,41 748,81
Trent (P.A.) 6,00 198,96
Umbria 15,60 518,60
Aosta Valley 0,84 91,85
Veneto 17,54 824,56
Management. Risk 98,52 2.973,18
RRN 76,86 76,86
TOTAL 89,23 415,30 76,86 16.011,70

EAFRD (European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development) intervention items.

  • Payments for environmental and climate commitments (SRA): payments for farmers or other beneficiaries who voluntarily enter into management commitments that are more stringent than the mandatory ones, other than those from the commitments for which “eco-schemes” are granted, and are considered useful for achieving one or more of the specific environmental and climate objectives;
  • Payments for natural or other region-specific constraints (SRB): allowances for farmers operating in mountain areas or other areas subject to natural or specific constraints, paid annually per hectare of agricultural land. They are intended to compensate, in whole or in part, for additional costs and lost income due to the constraints to which agricultural production in the area concerned is subject;
  • Specific regional handicap payments due to certain mandatory requirements (SRC): Farmer allowances aimed at compensating for additional costs and income foregone due to the implementation of the European Natura 2000 and Water Framework Directives, which place specific constraints in certain areas;
  • Investments (SRD): Support for investments, tangible and/or intangible, in agriculture and forestry, with different purposes (environmental, performance and business diversification);
  • Settlement of young farmers and start-up of rural enterprises (SRE): support to facilitate the establishment of new farmers and in particular young farmers, the start-up of new rural enterprises related to agriculture or forestry, the diversification of farm household income into non-farm activities, and the start-up in rural areas of non-farm business activities related to participatory local development strategies;
  • Risk management tools (SRFs): Support given to active farmers to cope with production and income losses resulting from extreme weather events beyond their control;
  • Cooperation (SRG): Support for agricultural and rural collaboration initiatives (producer organizations, Leader and LAG approach, pilot, innovation and promotion actions);
  • Knowledge and information exchange – AKIS (SRH): Support to fund actions to promote innovation, training, consulting, knowledge exchange and information dissemination;
  • Transitional spending (TR): Support on specific and transitional aspects related to the specific situation of certain regions;
  • Technical assistance (TA): Support for actions to improve the management and implementation of CAP strategic plan interventions (including creation and management of the National CAP Network);
  • National Rural Network (NRN): Management and operation of the National Rural Network.


Total EAFRD: € 354,030,000

1. Environment and climate € 124.085.000 (35,2%)

2. Natural constraints € 44.000.000 (12,4%)

3. Mandatory requirements € 1.000.000 (0,3%)

4. Investments € 96.000.000 (27,1%)

5. Youth € 26.000.000 (7,3%)

6. Cooperation € 31.085.000 (9,0%)

7. Knowledge and information exchange € 8.000.000 (2,3%)

8. Expenditures in transition (regional specifications) € 10.040.000 (2,9%)

9. Technical assistance € 12.020.000 (3,4%)

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Total EAFRD: € 452,094,000

1. Environment and climate € 144.076.000 (32%)

2. Natural constraints € 45.000.000 (9,9%)

4. Investments € 165.072.000 (36,6%)

5. Youth € 37.000.000 (8,2%)

6. Cooperation € 40.031.000 (8,9%)

7. Knowledge and information exchange € 5.014.000 (1,1%)

9. Technical assistance € 15.001.000 (3,3%)

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Total EAFRD: € 781,029,000

1. Environment and climate € 383.000.000 (33,3%)

2. Natural constraints € 179.058.000 (15,6%)

4. Investments € 365.042.000 (31,8%)

5. Youth € 43.026.000 (3,8%)

6. Cooperation € 135.052.000 (11,8%)

7. Knowledge and information exchange € 11.023.000 (1,0%)

9. Technical assistance € 31.059.000 (2,7%)

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Total EAFRD: € 1,149,061

1. Environment and climate € 330.040.000 (42,3%)

2. Natural constraints € 30.000.000 (3,8%)

4. Investments € 278.084.000 (35,7%)

5. Youth € 40.000.000 (5,1%)

6. Cooperation € 69.017.000 (8,9%)

7. Knowledge and information exchange € 7.000.000 (0,9%)

9. Technical assistance € 29.089.000 (3,3%)

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Total EAFRD: € 1,149,061

1. Environment and climate € 326.015.000 (35,7%)

2. Natural constraints € 179.058.000 (15,6%)

4. Investments € 365.042.000 (31,8%)

5. Youth € 43.026.000 (3,8%)

6. Cooperation € 135.052.000 (11,8%)

7. Knowledge and information exchange € 11.023.000 (1,0%)

9. Technical assistance € 31.059.000 (2,7%)

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Friuli-Venezia Giulia

Total EAFRD: € 227,059,000

1. Environment and climate € 76.036.000 (33,6%)

2. Natural constraints € 25.000.000 (11%)

3. Mandatory requirements € 2.000.000 (0,9%)

4. Investments € 85.000.000 (37,3%)

5. Youth € 12.000.000 (5,3%)

6. Cooperation € 16.010.000 (7,1%)

7. Knowledge and information exchange € 2.080.000 (1,2%)

8. Expenditures in transition (regional specifications) € 1.034.000 (0,6%)

9. Technical assistance € 6.099.000 (3,1%)

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Total EAFRD: € 602,056,000

1. Environment and climate € 201.019.000 (33,4%)

2. Natural constraints € 52.062.000 (8,7%)

3. Mandatory requirements € 7.000.000 (1,2%)

4. Investments € 165.095.000 (27,5%)

5. Youth € 64.090.000 (10,8%)

6. Cooperation € 83.067.000 (13,9%)

7. Knowledge and information exchange € 6.076.000 (1,1%)

8. Expenditures in transition (regional specifications) € 50.000 (0,1%)

9. Technical assistance € 19.097.000 (3,3%)

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Total EAFRD: € 207,004,000

1. Environment and climate € 35.044.000 (17,1%)

2. Natural constraints € 10.077.000 (5,2%)

3. Mandatory requirements € 1.008.000 (0,5%)

4. Investments € 135.035.000 (54,8%)

5. Youth € 17.039.000 (8,4%)

6. Cooperation € 17.032.000 (8,4%)

7. Knowledge and information exchange € 4.083.000 (2,3%)

9. Technical assistance € 6.086.000 (3,3%)

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Total EAFRD: € 834,049,000

1. Environment and climate € 136.000.000 (16,3%)

2. Natural constraints € 85.000.000 (10,2%)

4. Investments € 378.000.000 (45,3%)

5. Youth € 35.000.000 (4,2%)

6. Cooperation € 81.050.000 (9,8%)

7. Knowledge and information exchange € 29.000.000 (3,5%)

8. Expenditures in transition (regional specifications) € 29.000.000 (3,5%)

9. Technical assistance € 20.000.000 (3,3%)

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Total EAFRD: € 390,088,000

1. Environment and climate € 135.084.000 (34,8%)

2. Natural constraints € 44.090.000 (11,5%)

3. Mandatory requirements € 80.000 (0,2%)

4. Investments € 133.020.000 (34,1%)

5. Youth € 13.080.000 (3,5%)

6. Cooperation € 40.083.000 (10,4%)

7. Knowledge and information exchange € 13.050.000 (3,5%)

9. Technical assistance € 8.000.000 (2,0%)

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Total EAFRD: € 157,071,000

1. Environment and climate € 57.020.000 (36,3%)

2. Natural constraints € 29.039.000 (18,6%)

4. Investments € 42.080.000 (27,1%)

5. Youth € 8.000.000 (5,1%)

6. Cooperation € 7.089.000 (5,0%)

7. Knowledge and information exchange € 6.081.000 (4,3%)

9. Technical assistance € 5.063.000 (3,6%)

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Total EAFRD: € 271,087,000

1. Environment and climate € 107.000.000 (39,4%)

2. Natural constraints € 97.050.000 (35,9%)

4. Investments € 30.033.000 (11,2%)

5. Youth € 18.000.000 (6,6%)

6. Cooperation € 17.064.000 (6,5%)

7. Exchange of knowledge and information € 50.000 (0,2%)

9. Technical assistance € 90.000 (0,3%)

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Total EAFRD: € 198,096,000

1. Environment and climate € 43.065.000 (21,9%)

2. Natural constraints € 50.000.000 (25,1%)

4. Investments € 71.049.000 (35,9%)

5. Youth € 12.009.000 (6,1%)

6. Cooperation € 14.063.000 (7,4%)

7. Exchange of knowledge and information € 1.010 (0,6%)

9. Technical assistance € 6.000.000 (3%)

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Total EAFRD: € 756,040,000

1. Environment and climate € 262.045.000 (34,7%)

2. Natural constraints € 43.020.000 (5,7%)

3. Mandatory requirements € 6.000.000 (0,8%)

4. Investments € 268.020.000 (35,5%)

5. Youth € 40.000.000 (5,3%)

6. Cooperation € 92.015.000 (12,2%)

7. Knowledge and information exchange € 20.040.000 (2,7%)

9. Technical assistance € 24.000.000 (3,2%)

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Total EAFRD: € 1,184,088

1. Environment and climate € 425.055.000 (35,9%)

2. Natural constraints € 15.000.000 (1,3%)

4. Investments € 486.032.000 (41%)

5. Youth € 50.000.000 (4,2%)

6. Cooperation € 151.000.000 (12,7%)

7. Knowledge and information exchange € 17.080.000 (1,5%)

9. Technical assistance € 39.000.000 (3,3%)

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Total EAFRD: € 819,049,000

1. Environment and climate € 326.080.000 (39,9%)

2. Natural constraints € 166.000.000 (20,3%)

4. Investments € 215.000.000 (26,2%)

5. Youth € 40.000.000 (4,9%)

6. Cooperation € 62.000.000 (7,6%)

7. Knowledge and information exchange € 4.000.000 (0,5%)

9. Technical assistance € 5.005.000 (0,6%)

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Total EAFRD: € 1,474,061

1. Environment and climate € 683.010.000 (46,3%)

2. Natural constraints € 231.054.000 (15,7%)

4. Investments € 316.040.000 (21,5%)

5. Youth € 100.000.000 (6,8%)

6. Cooperation € 104.000.000 (7,1%)

7. Knowledge and information exchange € 7.057.000 (0,5%)

8. Expenditures in transition (regional specifications) € 7.000.000 (0,5%)

9. Technical assistance € 25.000.000 (1,7%)

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Total EAFRD: € 784,081,000

1. Environment and climate € 281.060.000 (37,6%)

2. Natural constraints € 56.025.000 (7,5%)

3. Mandatory requirements € 3.000.000 (0,4%)

4. Investments € 250.090.000 (33,5%)

5. Youth € 49.050.000 (6,6%)

6. Cooperation € 82.090.000 (11,1%)

7. Knowledge and information exchange € 17.025.000 (2,3%)

8. Expenditures in transition (regional specifications) € 7.000.000 (0,5%)

9. Technical assistance € 7.041.000 (1,0%)

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Total EAFRD: € 518,060,000

1. Environment and climate € 163.004.000 (31,4%)

2. Natural constraints € 31.050.000 (6,1%)

3. Mandatory requirements € 1.050.000 (0,3%)

4. Investments € 210.070.000 (40,6%)

5. Youth € 13.000.000 (2,5%)

6. Cooperation € 75.075.000 (14,6%)

7. Knowledge and information exchange € 7.051.000 (1,4%)

9. Technical assistance € 15.060.000 (3,0%)

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Aosta Valley

Total EAFRD: € 91,085,000

1. Environment and climate € 32.053.000 (35,4%)

2. Natural constraints € 30.090.000 (33,6%)

3. Mandatory requirements € 2.000.000 (2,2%)

4. Investments € 16.025.000 (17,7%)

5. Youth € 1.000.000 (1,1%)

6. Cooperation € 7.074.000 (8,4%)

7. Exchange of knowledge and information € 58.000 (0,6%)

9. Technical assistance € 84.000 (0,9%)

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Total EAFRD: € 824,056,000

1. Environment and climate € 206.092.000 (25,1%)

2. Natural constraints €90.000.000 (10,9%)

3. Mandatory requirements € 7.000.000 (0,8%)

4. Investments € 321.013.000 (38,9%)

5. Youth € 70.060.000 (8,6%)

6. Cooperation € 81.088.000 (9,9%)

7. Knowledge and information exchange € 29.050.000 (3,6%)

9. Technical assistance € 17.054.000 (2,1%)

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