National Operational Programs (NOPs)

The second section of this chapter analyzes in detail the nine National Programs (NPs, formerly known as NOPs) developed for Italy and managed at the national level.Each of them declines a thematic aspect of particular relevance to the country, corresponding to one or more of the Objectives defined at the community level for the use of Structural Funds.

The themes identified by the Italian NPs for the 2021-2027 programming period are: Capacity for Cohesion; Equity in Health; Inclusion and Poverty Alleviation; Metro plus and Southern Medium Cities; Schools and Skills; Culture; Research, Innovation and Competitiveness for Green and Digital Transition; Security for Legality; and Youth, Women and Work.

The structure of the summary sheets follows that already used for the Regional Programs and explained at thebeginning of this section.

Capacity for cohesion


Managing Authority: Agency for Territorial Cohesion, Staff Office 5

Total ERDF / ESF+: € 1,267,433,334

Technical assistance€ 1.267.433.334 (100%)

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Equity in health


Managing Authority: Ministry of Health, General Secretariat Office 4

Total ERDF / ESF+: € 625,000,000

4. More social/inclusive Europe€ 601.250.000 (96%)

Technical assistance€ 23.750.000 (4%)

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Inclusion and poverty alleviation


Managing Authority: Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, DG for Poverty Alleviation and Social Programming

Total ERDF / ESF+: € 4,079,865,834

4. More social/inclusive Europe€ 3.949.413.504 (97%)

Technical assistance€ 130.452.330 (3%)

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Metro plus and average southern cities


Managing Authority: Agency for Territorial Cohesion – Office 4 of the Director General’s staff

Total ERDF / ESF+: € 3,002,500,000

1. Smarter/competitive Europe€ 336.847.620 (11%)

2. Greener Europe€423,552,840 (14%)

2^. Sustainable urban mobility€246,725,630 (8%)

4. More social/inclusive Europe€ 929,929,167 (31%)

4^. Innovative social actions€ 246,585,000 (8%)

5. Europe closer to citizens€ 734,790,576 (24%)

Technical assistance€ 84.069.167 (3%)

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School and skills


Managing Authority: Ministry of Education and Merit

Total ERDF / ESF+: € 3,780,988,034

4. More social/inclusive Europe€ 3,662,643,215 (97%)

Technical assistance€ 118.344.819 (3%)

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Managing Authority: Ministry of Culture – General Secretariat – Service V

Total ERDF: € 648,333,333

1. Smarter/competitive Europe€ 202.280.000 (31%)

2. Greener Europe€252,850,000 (39%)

4. More social/inclusive Europe€ 176,995,000 (27%)

Technical assistance€ 16.208.333 (3%)

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Research, innovation and competitiveness for the green and digital transition


Managing Authority: Ministry of Economic Development – Directorate General for Business Incentives – Division III

Total ERDF: € 5,636,000,000

1. Smarter/competitive Europe€ 4.432.425.000 (80%)

2. Greener Europe€1,062,675,000 (22%)

Technical assistance€ 140.900.000 (3%)

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Security for legality


Managing Authority: Ministry of the Interior – Department of Public Security

Total ERDF: € 235,294,119

1. Smarter/competitive Europe€ 228.235.295 (97%)

Technical assistance€ 7.058.824 (3%)

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Young people, women and work


Managing authority: national agency for active labor policies

Total ESF+: €5,088,668,333

4. More social/inclusive Europe€ 4.988.635.538 (98%)

Technical assistance€ 100.032.795 (2%)

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