Fondazione CR Firenze’s Europe Desk offers guidance and accompaniment on European funds. A series of webinars on four European programs launches Oct. 25.

Guide partners: europlanning near us

The Europlanning Guide relies on the input of prominent partners spread across several Italian regions. The Guide is a sign of a joint effort in bringing the different territories of Italy closer to a unique source of opportunities and resources, but as recounted in a previous article, the Guide’s partner Foundations are intervening in the territories with interesting initiatives dedicated to europlanning. Today we report on the experience of Sportello Europa, a guidance and accompaniment service put in place by the Florence CR Foundation.

Europe Desk: what it is and what it does

Sportello Europa is a service that offers guidance and accompaniment with respect to the funding opportunities of the NRP and European programming 2021-2027. It is made available by Fondazione CR Firenze and is aimed at organizations working in the fields of art and culture, volunteerism and active citizenship, education, and training.

The Desk mainly targets the provinces of Florence, Arezzo and Grosseto, traditional areas of intervention of the Florence CR Foundation. It has three main functions.

It has first and foremost an informational function. Sportello Europa provides an alert service on calls in areas of interest (usable directly from the Sportello homepage ) and animates a newsletter with updates on calls, initiatives and appointments. Also integral to Sportello Europa’s information function are the Europlanning Guide (accessible directly from the Sportello homepage and used as part of the Sportello’s activities) and a series of in-depth webinars on calls, programs and opportunities in various thematic areas. Sportello Europa webinars on PNRR, Creative Europe, Erasmus+, CERV and other topics are also offered in the Training section of the Guide.

Sportello Europa then has an orientation function: you can make an appointment at the offices of Fondazione CR Firenze, three days a week, to discuss your organization’s needs and goals and get advice and direction on European funds and programs best suited to your needs. Finally, Sportello Europa offers technical support in participating in specific European and national calls for proposals. The service covers all stages, from validating the project idea to be applied for, to assessing the eligibility requirements of the subjects and interventions to be funded, to assisting in the drafting of the project.

Launched operationally in January 2022, the Europe Desk has produced a very positive spin-off in terms of funding attracted to the territory: in fact, resources totaling more than 6 million euros have been obtained under large and small PNRR measures and guidance on various funding measures has been provided to more than 80 entities in the territory. Of these, the experience of the Galileo Museum in Florence is particularly significant.

Europe Desk: the new webinar series

Sportello Europa organized a series of 12 webinars over the past year on:

All webinars can still be viewed on the Europe Desk and Europlanning Guide website

The new webinar series, which will be inaugurated on October 25, offers a series of appointments, aimed both at raising awareness of some of the most important programs and their upcoming calls, and at creating a space for questions from the audience and bringing the views and testimony of officials working within Agencies and Contact Points in charge of program management.

Each webinar will last about an hour, at the end of which there will be a Q&A session for questions from the audience. Fondazione CR Firenze awaits you at the Sportello Europa webinars. For those who were unable to attend, registrations will again be made available on the website of Sportello Europa and the Europlanning Guide.

We will keep you updated on upcoming initiatives of European Desk and the other partners of the Europlanning Guide.