The New European Bauhaus is one of Europe’s great new initiatives. Let’s find out together with the National Committee for Social Housing’s webinar series.

What is the New European Bauhaus

The “New European Bauhaus” is an initiative that links sustainability, inclusiveness, and artistic and architectural experimentation to the design of living spaces. The name takes its inspiration from the twentieth-century movement that thoroughly investigated the relationship between technology and culture, between art and design, indelibly influencing its evolution to the present day.

The New European Bauhaus is first and foremost a platform for experimentation that brings together practitioners of science and technology, art and culture to jointly find innovative solutions to Europe’s green and digital challenges from a specific perspective: that of building and living-a house, a neighborhood, a city and a territory. We discussed this in a recent post, which addresses these issues from a broader perspective.

More specifically, the New European Bauhaus aims to:

What he has done and what he will do

The initiative involves three stages: collective design, implementation and dissemination.

The collective design phase that is coming to an end (October 2020-September 2021) was aimed at gathering concrete contemporary examples that express the principles of the new European Bauhaus. The most interesting contributions were catalogued and formed a basis for discussion among actors (of various backgrounds and specializations) interested in these issues. You can access and browse through the many contributions received through a special platform that collects examples, ideas and challenges.

The discussion is expected to result in the establishment of a support framework within European programs to give rise to specific calls for pilot projects that will give concrete implementation to the new Bauhaus idea.

These days (Sept. 16) special awards are given to contemporary examples of excellence that already combine sustainability, quality of experience and inclusion, selected from the examples collected in the collective design phase. Through the site, it is possible to walk through the award-winning and finalist examples, organized into categories that nicely summarize the variety of subject areas touched by the new Bauhaus:

It is participate and access the streaming of the event through the website. You can browse the various events organized as part of the Bauhaus here.

A series of webinars, near us

As is the case with other community initiatives and projects, the New European Bauhaus lands in our territories and involves us closely. Within this framework, a series of webinars sponsored by the National Social Housing Committee (which includes among its members Fondazione Sviluppo e Crescita CRT) on social housing issues will be held on September 21, 22 and 23, entitled:

“Widespread partnerships and community services, what future for housing in Italy?”

The objective of the webinar is to turn the spotlight on the main issues related to the future of living in Italy through three thematic meetings: “Public and private: the partnership that’s not there yet.” September 21, 2021 (10 a.m.-12 p.m.) – registration link “Inclusive Territories and Youth Housing in Italy. Comparing Experiences and Models.” September 22, 2021 (3-5 p.m.) – registration link “Urban regeneration and community building. Culture, well-being and services around living.” September 23, 2021 (3-5 p.m.) – registration link

Webinars are online with free participation, after registration, from the links provided.

More information is available on the website of the National Committee for Social Housing and the CRT Foundation.

A European program “in the making”?

Thus, the New European Bauhaus is a debate and a platform that is resulting just these days in some concrete initiatives: an archive of ideas, examples and challenges, the awarding of prizes for best practices and an open way to the definition of dedicated calls. Their funding may draw cross-cuttingly from other existing programs or result in a new specific program in the short or long term. In any case, this is a new opportunity in a cross-cutting and interesting field to follow and keep abreast of.

The National Committee for Social Housing webinars provide a concrete opportunity to get closer to the debate and stakeholders active at the national level on these issues. Participate in large numbers!