News on Structural Funds 2021-2027 programming: available funds, Partnership Agreement, regional strategic documents and in-depth videos.

A summary of previous episodes

As we know, Structural Funds (ERDF and ESF+) are managed at a decentralized level through Regional and National Operational Programs (ROPs and NOPs), whose definition and approval takes time and numerous steps at the European, national and regional levels. For this reason, the corresponding section of the Guide is not yet updated, unlike the section on the community programs . The Cooperation Territorial also follows similar logic (it is funded by the ERDF) and somewhat longer time frames.

We have already published two important articles regarding the 2021-2027 programming of the Structural Funds, respectively about a year ago and about six months ago . We resume here, briefly, its main points:


The allocation of funds by region and program.

The Partnership Agreement is the document that regulates and plans the organization of Structural Funds in Italy. It is drafted in consultation among national, regional and European institutions. One is available late September draft.

The draft provides an indicative idea of the allocation of funds by region and by operational program, captured in summary in the table below (figures in millions of euros).

Programmi Operativi Nazionali (PON)TotaleFESRFSE+Cofin. Naz.Altro
Innovazione, ricerca, competitività per la transizione e digitalizzazione5.6363.5732.063
Sicurezza e legalitàˆ583350233
Equità in Salute250150100
Inclusione e lotta alla povertà4.1274201.7421.965
Giovani donne e lavoro5.0892.6832.406
Scuola e competenze3.8286601.3731.796
METRO plus e città medie Sud2.9089046481.356
Capacità per la coesione1.26757047650
Fondo per una Transizione Giusta1.2111821.030
FEAMPA (Affari Marittimi, Pesca e Acquacultura)987469518
TOTALE PON26.9097.0166.71811.6291.548
Programmi Operativi Regionali (POR)TotaleFESRFSE+Cofin. Naz.Altro
Friuli-Venezia Giulia739157138443
PA Bolzano3978474238
PA Trento3417264204
Valle d'Aosta1743733104
TOTALE POR56.27819.5977.81728.859-
TOTALE FONDI83.18726.61314.53540.4881.548

Figures in millions of euros at current prices. Possible discrepancies in totals due to rounding.

Source: draft Partnership Agreement 27/9/2021

The organization of objectives in the Structural Funds

A second important aspect of the draft Partnership Agreement is the thematic organization, which incorporates the 5 major thematic objectives (Smarter Europe, “Green,” “Connected,” “Social,” and “Closer to Citizens”) and the specific objectives stated in the ERDF e ESF+ . The document provides a justification of thematic choices and priorities and a description of the main types of interventions planned.

At the end of this article we recall the main objectives envisaged in the draft Partnership Agreement (PA) and their relation to the ERDF and ESF+ regulations. This in-depth study provides an overview of the thematic scope of action of the Structural Funds.

The progress of Structural Funds 2021-2027 in the Italian Regions.

Structural Funds programming also proceeds at the regional level, from which, through ROPs, the calls that are most accessible and closest to our territories take shape. We update to follow the review (already provided in one of our previous article) of pages from which you can get information and updates on ROPs in your region. We indicate, where possible, some particularly significant policy documents that are already available.

Abruzzo ( 1 )


Calabria ( 1 )

Campania ( 1 )

Emilia-Romagna ( 1 )

Friuli-Venezia Giulia



Lombardy ( 1 | 2 )



PA Bolzano ( 1 | 2 )

PA Trento

Piedmont ( 1 )


Sardinia ( 1 | 2 )

Sicily ( 1 | 2 )

Tuscany ( 1 | 2 )

Umbria ( 1 )

Aosta Valley

Veneto ( 1 | 2 )

In-depth videos on cohesion policy

To learn more about issues and best practices related to the management of the Structural Funds for the 2021-2027 period, we recommend a series of webinars (accessible as videos ) made available to the European Commission. They dwell in particular on aspects related to “policy,” evaluation and some of the key themes of the seven-year period : their perspective is therefore “macro,” but also for this reason interesting and applicable to different areas of Europlanning.

Structural funds: we are getting closer

In conclusion, although precise information on future ROPs and NOPs is not yet available, we are beginning to have very interesting guidance material on which you can begin to prepare. We will continue to update you, keep following us.



Objectives of the draft Partnership Agreement (PA) and the ERDF and ESF+ regulations.


1. A Smarter Europe (ERDF)


2. A Greener Europe (ERDF)


3.A More Connected Europe (ERDF)


4. A more social and inclusive Europe (ERDF / ESF+)


5. A Europe Closer to the Citizens (ERDF).