These are particularly sizzling months on the European calls for proposals front. The month of June brought us a completely revamped Europrojecting Guide, but also many new calls for proposals-a clear sign that the new programming period has fully entered its operational phase, at least on the direct-management EU project front.

European calls for proposals: opportunities with Erasmus+

Two important calls under the Erasmus+ program are closing right now:

Erasmus+ offers us other opportunities that we will be able to explore and prepare for over the summer, regarding Key Action 2 (Cooperation between organizations and institutions):

To stay up-to-date on Erasmus+ opportunities, you can refer to the call calendar for 2021 and to the dedicated page of the Funding & Tenders portal, as well as other information already compiled in one of our previous post dedicated to Erasmus+.

European calls for proposals: opportunities in the area of justice and rights

We have exciting new opportunities in this important area, in several specific sub-areas:

Again, you can update through the direct link to opportunities on the Funding & Tenders portal ( Justice , European Solidarity Corps , Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values ) and refer to our previous post on this topic.

European calls for proposals: opportunities for the artistic, cultural and creative sector

Finally, there are many opportunities to be seized in the summer for those in the arts, culture and creative industries. We list the main ones here: the full list is directly accessible through this link Of the Funding & Tenders portal. We will devote an in-depth look at the opportunities of the new Creative Europe program shortly.

And other even more specific calls for the audiovisual and media sector.

A “hot” summer

Thus, a “hot” summer awaits us, full of opportunities to be seized.

We hope that this information and the new Guide will accompany you in the preparation of your projects.