Caravan Next is part of a process to develop and promote this innovative theatrical method that evolves the concept of social theater by involving communities as an active and reciprocal part of the artistic process. In this way, theater becomes a social and living art that, through its activity, can help break down walls of social and cultural separation and create new systems and methods of relationships among peoples.

The project includes a development scheme that aims to create a European organization and network of partners acting locally on their communities, with the Turin-based Social Community Theatre Centre as methodological supervisor and artistic coordinator.

The first stage of this process is represented by the first Caravan project, “Caravan. Artists on the Road“, of which Fondazione CRT was the lead partner. The “first” Caravan, through the tool of community social theater, addressed the theme of “rebirth from the crisis,” involving in performances and cultural events many communities throughout Europe (11 partners involved and 9 European countries).

With Caravan Next, the CRT Foundation passed the baton of lead partner toOdin Teatret Nordisk Teater Laboratorium and involved its own instrumental body, the OGR-CRT company, in the role of partner.

As part of Caravan Next, OGR is making a documentary film, an artistic tool for popularizing the project itself. Production is scheduled to end in spring 2019.

“Caravan Next: Feed the future,” with a total budget of about 4 million euros, is 50 percent co-financed by the European Union. It brings together a partnership of 13 cultural organizations and 30 associated partners. The project is developed into macro and micro events that will produce a total of 300 cultural events spread over 16 European countries. More than 300 theater professionals are involved.

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